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subject areas

  • energy efficiency

  • climate protection

  • heat supply

  • power supply

  • energy purchasing

  • hydrogen

  • storage technologies

  • climate adaptation

  • Speichertechnologien

  • Energieeinkauf

  • Wasserstoff

  • Klimaanpassung


concepts and studies

Feasibility studies for energy systems with energy demand forecasts, examination of renewable energy potentials, presentation of regulations, plant dimensioning, investment and operating cost estimation as well as presentation of economic efficiency with sensitivities

+ Holistic transformation plans and climate protection concepts

+ Individual building renovation schedules

+ Energy-efficient district concepts

+ climate adaptation concepts

+ Municipal heat planning


procurement, project and funding management

+ Integration of photovoltaics and heat pumps in new and existing buildings

+ Energy-efficient building renovation with BEG funding

+ Development and expansion of heating networks with BEW funding


Consulting and Audits

+ Implementation of energy audits according to DIN EN 16247 

+ Implementation of ISO 50.001 Energy Management Systems 

+ Comparison of contracting versus in-house solutions 

+ Ecological and economic life cycle analyses 

+ Energy procurement and heat supply contract management 

+ ESG consulting, risk assessment (CRREM), and carbon due diligence 

+ CO2 and greenhouse gas accounting 

+ Energy and thermal simulations 

+ Consulting on storage systems 

+ Workshops, seminars, and lectures on electricity and heat transition, energy efficiency, and sustainability topics 

Designing Together



Bauer & Dietrich

Ingenieure für Energietechnik PartG mbB

Oberlandstraße 26-35

Atelier Gardens - House 2

12099 Berlin


+49 (0) 172 799 6762

meet the team

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